The pilgrimage to the Papal audience included visits to many holy and historical sites. We visited the Papal Basilicas; relics of Saints and of Holy places, and the Sistine Chapel. The journey was filled with love and high spirits.
Along our travels, we met with friends from across the globe, united in prayer – singing to the Lords song.
With a Catechises led by Archbishop Roche, he spoke of the history of the Church including the implementation of the Second Vatican Council.
Archbishop Roche spoke of the New Evangelisation, with the need of the Church to address world issues;
We must be a World Church (missionaries)
He encouraged us to be strong, and be true witnesses of sanctity, and to be people of joy.
Holy Mass was celebrated with the Archbishop, as he delivered an inspiring homily on the conversion of St. Matthew.
And then we were here.
We were in the presence of our Holy Father, Pope Francis. We were overjoyed to have the honour and privilege of meeting our Holy Father. He received an enthusiastic applause upon his entrance, and once he began to speak, the hall grew silent.
Our Holy Father spoke with wisdom and his talk was most inspiring. He confirmed the lessons we had learnt during the Novitiate but also challenged us to reflect deeply and honestly on our own personal vocation.
He left with a poignant message to us all;
True joy is not found in material things but in the encounter and relations with others