We are pleased to announce that we have recently received notification that we have achieved the Lancashire Quality Award.
The Lancashire Quality Award is underpinned by the principles of the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Quality Improvement Principles. Through discussion we have been able to look at our values in the nursery and establish the ethos of our setting.
Each module is built around the set of standards which we have reviewed in our practice. There has been some self-evaluation indicators to support each module and a set of questions to prompt discussion and provoke thinking. By working through each standard, it has helped us to become more aware of areas where improvements might be needed.
The modules completed are as follows:
- Management and Business
- Relationships with Children, Parents and the Wider Community
- Sharing Food, Sharing Celebrations
- Making Most of the Outdoors
- Interactions
- Opportunities and Experience
- Role of the Adult
- Leading a Successful Team