This week we celebrated the 90th birthday of one of our much loved and respected residents “Cherry” Hildreth. Cherry has been resident here at Crosby after leaving her home in Canada two years ago.
During World War Two Cherry joined the Red Cross as a volunteer, we can only imagine what it was like for her in those difficult days and what a remarkable lady she was.
Later Cherry and her husband ran their own public house in Kensington Gardens and they raised their two children David and Jackie who in turn presented them with four grandsons (two apiece)
After Cherry’s husband sadly passed away in 2001 she moved to California to be near her family and stayed there for 10 happy years.
On the day of her celebrations we had one of our favourite entertainer’s visit us and we all had a good old fashioned sing along. Cherry was the guest of honour along with her son David who has travelled from California to be with his mum on her special day. The party was in full swing as Cherry blew out her candles.