For a frail elderly person without family or finances, life can be a terrifying ordeal. Add other various debilitating physical and mental diseases that affect the elderly, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, and the options becomes even more limited. With Government subsidised homes for the aged stretched to the limit, care of these vulnerable elderly people falls onto the shoulders of organisations such as ours.

At least 60% of our elderly residents are dependent on various means of assistance, while residents in our frail care section are completely dependent on their caregivers. Although some of the residents contribute towards their care through their pensions, this does not entirely cover the cost of the services we provide. We provide for old men and women who can no longer care for themselves independently, or be maintained in their communities. The cost of medication, clothing, feeding and transport to and from hospitals is enormous. We feel that caring for the elderly is a privilege as each one has made a valuable contribution to society in his or her own way.
