Welcome to Our Home in Los Angeles!
The Sisters of Nazareth build the first Nazareth House in 1857 as a way for seniors to lead happy, self-directed lives in a supportive community: one that offered good value, spiritual comfort, peace of mind, and holistic care, in surroundings sensitive to senior living.
The fruits of our efforts since those early days have been gratifying. With over 168 years of experience in senior living, a record of exceptional service and care, and an enthusiastic response to our California Nazareth Houses, you can be assured our Nazareth Houses are experienced leaders in senior living.
If we could leave you with a final thought, it would be this: Nazareth House is our home too. We build Nazareth Houses for the spiritual and holistic support of our residents; but also, as a place where we choose to live – now and in our elder years – place the Sisters of Nazareth call “home.”
As on-site owners, we set a standard for operating excellence and value, for an environment where are all community members – sisters, seniors, staff, and family members – can learn, grow, live, enjoy life, and support of each other.
With Warmest Regards,
The Sisters of Nazareth